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April 03, 2008


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Now I'm craving a piece of toast with p-nut butter ... and of course a cup of hot cocoa to dunk it in ... yummy ...


Oh, I want to try both your peanut butter and that bread! (I fiber!) Could you bring some down when you come next?


Yum! I have been contemplating making peanut butter- now I think I will give it a try!


My kids love peanut butter and they will love doing this. Thanks for posting the recipe!


Yum! Yum! I found your link from Randi's page and am so glad I stopped over for a glance. I will be making homemade peanut butter this weekend! yummy! :)


I bought peanuts a while ago to make PB with the kids. When we did it a few years ago, they didn't like the flavor. I'm hoping this has changed. Maybe we'll try it soon.


Looks good and yummy! I'm not so brave to actually make it myself. I just buy Adams Brand PB. I do have some of the artery-clogging kind to cook with.


Awesome. Funny how we get it into our heads that we have to buy things instead of realizing we can make them ourselves. Very cool. This is random, but sort of related: my favorite au natural story is that at an office visit one time my kid's pediatrician introduced us to a student doctor as being famous for using cloth diapers. He thinks it is great and is so nice about it, but it is obviously an anomaly here.


This brings back memories. My mom always made our peanut butter as kids.

Jenn : )

Josh and I are really trying to healthy up our eating habits - thank you for sharing this! I printed it out to try soon : D


I'm so glad you posted this! I've thought about it ever since I had it at your house. It is scrumptous!


oh, i'm so making a batch this weekend! thank you! i'm curious about how long this lasts in the fridge before it goes bad? thanks!


This sounds great. I know your purpose is for healthier eating, but I'm wondering if you also learned if it's cheaper or more expensive.

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