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July 23, 2008


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that looks like so much fun!! what a great crafty day!


Those are really cute. I hope you have hairy results!


I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it. :)


What a great idea! Thanks for sharing this. :)


My son just made one in cubs on Wednesday night! How funny.


Jesse I love this project. We did the same thing last year except we left the panty hose longer-filled it with dirt then tied- I suppose it was about a foot long- anyway we tied string around it- in sections- I can't explain this very well. It ended up looking like a catepiller. Does that make any sense at all? It was fun and cute anyway. Some farm supply stores sell grass seed in bulk bins so you can get just a little.


That looks like so much fun! I bet my little miss would enjoy it, too.


How cute! Can't wait to see how they turn out! Looks like you have a mini Monet in Ned.

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