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July 07, 2008


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Mary Beth

What a great idea. It looks like even toddlers could enjoy handling the dough. And they look delicious!


I love making pretzels, they really are yummy! (But Jack won't eat them. Sigh.)


I've been meaning to try that recipe since I saw it on The Crafty Crow. These look so good that I am definitely doing that this weekend! Or sooner! :)

Heather Hurst

YUM!!! How fun! Could you send me the recipe? I can't seem to find it on that blog.


Boy, it looks like everyone had a great time! And I love pretzels... we'll definitely have to try this!


Yum! Looks like fun! I haven't made pretzels in years. Did you have to boil them first before baking?


Oh they look delish! I think some kids in my house would enjoy that craft.


Num! I love street pretzels. I'll have to whip some up tonight!


Awesome idea. Looks like a ton of fun!

Account Deleted

I love this pic! It's so sweet!

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