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January 20, 2009


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I agree...my favorite part was the whole thing!! I was watching with colleagues at work and when Obama said, "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers," my friend John cheered, and said it was the first time he has been included in a politician's speech. That says a lot.


I had several co-workers crowded into my office listening to NPR's coverage and watching video on the monitor .. there was a tear or two shed ... spontaneous applause ... if felt good, really, really good.


Pretty exciting to see what a nation can do just by getting involved and voting! Can't wait to see how the next 4 years play out.


really inspiring.

heather at brown robin

I wanted to add that I was as inspired as you. I really have felt my mood has lifted since that day. The collective exhaustion/depression/recession of or in our country has been building for some time. No one is immune to it. And now we can not be immune to that energy which is building... isn't it extraordinary?!

Account Deleted

I love this pic! So adorable! The kids are cute and sweet!

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