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February 03, 2009


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I missed you all before I read this blog ... now my heart is aching to see you guys ... think about when would be a good time ... I'll come up and see you all. love you


Congratulations to both Ned and Peter. Such happy news.

(And you go, girl! You keep on running.)


Such great things going on at your place!
- I am SO impressed that you've started running outside already! I was thinking that I should start that up again soon, but I'm such a wuss when it comes to being cold.
-That's cool that Ned gave it up so quickly. Hopefully the potty training goes as smoothly!
-WAY TO GO PETER! That's so wonderful!

PS- What kind of scissors is he using? I have a pair of children's fiskars for Hannah and she's not strong enough to use them correctly. I think they are too stiff for her to pull them back open after she makes the first cut. (When her fingers are in the right spots.) I'm afraid she's going to be one of the kids who has to practice cutting at home when she gets to kindergarten.


I forgot about those mittens! I'm so glad running is so nice for you now.


Oh, that is wonderful about his speech! Congrats mom!


I'm really happy about Peter's speech. And jealous about Ned's binky. We are working on that at our house and it is not easy!
And good job on the running. I'm impressed, as always.

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