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February 15, 2009


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julie @ up up creative

those turned out really cute. love it!


I'm so sorry about your test and the throw-ups. I'm sure you will get a super score on the test because you weren't distracted at all, right? :)

Jenn : )

Oh, I hope you're all feeling better soon!


That is a terrible story. I am so sorry that you had to take Peter to the test!


wow! I'm glad you survived. Sounds like an awful time. I hope everyone is on the mend!


what a fun way to end the yucks! your valentines are so cute!


I hope you did well on the test, and I'm glad everyone is getting better!


Ditto Wow! The Valentine's are super cute.


MOMs are so AMAZING! Seriously- I know you set the curve- even with all the hectic stuff going on...

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