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April 29, 2009


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I like them all. You have a great eye.


I'm always in favor of yellow.


I'm for the yellow, too -- and a dash of orange could be super mod!

Love the pears!


I love them all but for some reason the Amy Butler seems to pop so nicely but at the same time it has the same basic shape as the pattern on your couch - very cool!


Yes to the yellow for sure! I love color!! Your new place is going to be fabulous Jessi! I was at a habitat restore last week and saw a vintage couch similar to yours and thought of you. I so wish I had a place to put it, I would have snatched it up in a heartbeat!


Wow, can't believe it only cost you $50 for that amazing couch! Love the vintage flourish. http://preparednesspro.wordpress.com


holy roller! that is hands down the best couch i've EVER seen!!!

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