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September 01, 2009


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Those are the sweetest shoes! You are a talented lady. Hope to see you at bookclub Thursday.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life

really darling and so much more special because they are handmade.


So sweet!


Those are adorable and she will love them. They will probably make her cry...in a good way, of course. :)


I think those are the darlingest creations you've ever made. They are delicious!


They are beautiful! You are amazing.




We do love them! They are so cute. I seem to write this all the time.. but you are so talented. Before I know it, they will fit in them:) Thank you!!


They're so sweet ... I bet they'll be put in a box of keepsakes to be handed down.


So cute! Homemade gifts are the best! Anyone can go out and buy baby gifts but the homemade kind are so full of love and thoughtfulness. I'm sure that they will be a long-treasured keepsake.




this post really caught my attention - I have twins and they were born prematurely too. Mine were born at 29 weeks and stayed in the hospital for almost 3 months. there were many challenges to face then and in the first 2 years. I would be happy to offer a listening ear or any advice I can to your friend if she ever wants or needs it :)
the slippers are adorable - such a beautiful and thoughtful gift!!


they are absolutely perfect! i adore the embroidery patterns on them both!


way way cute, Jessi!


They're gorgeous!!! What lucky babies. :D


Those are beautiful! What a special gift.

Lisa Renata

they are so cute! I love the embroidery. I bet those cute little feet they were made for will be nice and cozy in them. And the parents will be more than happy to show them off. Great job!


So beautiful, every time I see something you have made I am inspired!


These shoes are adorable! I'd love to have the pattern. I followed the link to the Stardust Shoes site. For whatever reason I cannot open the link to the pattern. I've tried updating Adobe Reader, and also taking lowering the security settings, and taking off pop-up blocker. Grrr..... it just won't let me open it. Any chance you could e-mail me the pattern?
[email protected]. Thanks in advance!

Cheap Jordans

Seeing the blog should leave some comments, I think that is a polite to blog host, and thank you for sharing!

air yeezy shoes

Thank you so much for writing this! I learned a lot and appreciate the perspective.

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