Thanks so much for our feedback about my pickle. I still haven't really made a final decision about what I will do, but I have decided that I will keep blogging and that the content here will be pretty similar to what it's been in the past - a little bit of everything. I think this was really just brought on by the start of school and having a new schedule and me not being sure to where to fit in the blogging. I'll have to work on that. I usually don't have such a rough time getting used to a new schedule.
I have been working on a few projects to get ready for Halloween. The boys both chose costumes from my Mom's store (she has kept every costume she's ever made and every costume item she's ever bought - she's been making costumes for a long time - there's a lot to choose from!), so I don't have costumes to make. Well, except one for me...we'll see if that gets finished. I have one major part of it finished, so maybe it will happen. I haven't dressed up in a proper costume in a few years and I've missed it.
With no costumes to make, I thought I could get to making some trick-or-treat bags. This is a pattern that my Mom made when I was a kid and I was so excited that she still had it! You can see mine below (so glad I still have it!) and I'm almost finished with the boys.
I always loved having this great bag to take to gather my goodies on Halloween night and I hope the boys love them too!
You can find one more thing I did for Halloween here - I've been such a slacker blogger lately that I have to depend on my friends to blog for me! Thanks Missy!
I love what you've done with the pumpkin ... Just like each kid, each pumpkin seems to take on a personality of their own.
Posted by: Mom | October 21, 2009 at 06:07 AM
I'm in the middle of costume making as well. It's been a little stressful but so worth the work and time when I saw the look on my little girl's face! (I'll send a pix later just to share)
I love the pumpkins! Is there anyway you might share the pattern?
Happy Halloween...
Posted by: | October 26, 2009 at 12:18 PM
very cute. I need to make some bags for the kids too, even tough we really don't go out to ask for treats, because of Ri's peanut allergy. But we can fill them-up at home with nice treats!
Posted by: Lisa Renata | October 27, 2009 at 07:38 PM