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April 20, 2010


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Happy Birthday, Peter! Six!!!?! Where did the time go?


When did that funny toddler grow up? Happy Birthday Peter.
Do the party! Kids' parties are so much fun!


So much fun!! I LOVE your strawberry skewer idea -- but because of my giant sweet tooth, I would add this to the top: http://www.bakerella.com/hope-these-put-a-smile-on-your-face/


Well - if you do throw a big party, I'd be happy to help... it would be lots of fun.


I'd help with a party too! I can't believe he's six already. (Can't believe Hannah is either. She keeps telling me that she's going to be 7 soon. I'm glad it's not til December!)
I LOVE the skewers! What a wonderful idea for a class party treats. I agree they always get junk. I'm totally doing that next year!

PS- I have a secret to share with you! Call me sometime!
PSS- How's your grandpa?


Happy Birthday to Peter! 6 already?? Where does the time go??


No! Down with the friend party! =) Just trying to be helpful. They are really fun for the kids, but I don't think they should last longer than 90 minutes MAX and you have to have lots of little activities for that age, which is a lot of work. For C's 6th he took one friend to MacDonald's. That was awesome. E and A thought it was fabulous too.


Happy Birthday, Peter! Do the friend birthday party, though I second the keeping it to 90 minutes.

I just found the cutest picture of Peter in one of those red/yellow plastic cars out in the yard at Russell Park. I'll have to remember to email it to you Ah the memories...And to think I'm still willing to contemplate Baby Einstein for my kids...j/k.

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I love this pic! He's so cute!

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