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April 27, 2010


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Ok, so I have read this twice trying to figure out how this made it 2 sizes bigger? Help!


Love the skirt. Love the shoes. Love you! I think I might have more time to do thrift shopping next fall. Hurray! Thanks for the inspiration and the tutorial. Congrats on the serger.


I replaced a regular waistband, that I wasnt even close to being able to button, with and elastic one. Since the skirt was so full, even in the smaller size, there was still plenty of fullness to fit around me. I think Ill go make a note that you do need to start with this gathered style skirt. I was writing this while the boys were asking me questions and having me play Star Wars with them - so much for multi-tasking.


So cute. Here is a link to more refashioning ideas you might like.


Love that picture of you Jessica! You look great.


Love the outfit. Looks fabulous on you!


It looks great on you... very fresh and summery. You have great problem solving skills - so proud of you... for so many reasons. Love you.


You're looking amazing for summer.


P.S. I love your shoes, too.


Love it with all the yellow!


You are a doll! I really need to remake some things for myself. My kids just have bodies that are much more forgiving in that department than I do, but you've inspired me! (I want shoes that color too!)


Thanks, I get it now. I figured that was what happened, but in the new photo it still looks pretty gathered!


Adorable! Nice work and your outfit is fabulous!


I like how this turned out. You look very nice.!

Also, I like the strawberry kabobs you did for the birthday treat!


you totally un-frumped this! i'm not sure i could have 'seen' this with that skirt!
and the shoes are awesome.


Hey Cute Lady! Great new stuff! I'm loving all of your sewing and your cute outfits.


cute, cute, cute outfit!


It's very amazing! the dress look so nice and the design was so modern..Nice! :)

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