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February 17, 2011


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I think I'm as excited as your boys ... looking forward to spend some one on one time with you and your boys!


I'm sorry about the job, but I'm glad that you are in a nice place right now. The waiting is difficult, I know.

You and your boys seem to be thriving, which is wonderful!


Particularly the academic job market is in such a dip -- fingers crossed that something even better is on the horizon!

Yes to book reviews please! I am always in the look out for something new to read, and I just can't commit to Goodreads!


I'm bummed for you guys. It WILL work out though. Is there still a hiring freeze here? Maybe that'll open up at just the right time and that's what all this stress and waiting is for!
That's so exciting about Peter! He's such a smart kid. Can't wait to see what you do for costumes this year. What's the play? Miss you! When are you coming this way next?


Sounds like you have been on a roller coaster. I know you all will find something that is the perfect fit!


I've been waiting for an update and wondering what is going on in your life. I hate the waiting game, but there is a lot to learn from it. It will work out. I know you already know that though. I'm glad to hear that overall you and your kids are doing so well. I can't believe Ned is 5!


I miss seeing you. I hope everything goes better!

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