I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. I think that if something is worth changing, it's worth putting the effort into it no matter what time of year it is. This year, our family is anticipating big changes (job search continuing for Ryan, hopefully a new job, move, etc.) and the challenges that go with that. My modus operandi, especially during stressful times, is to throw myself into one thing and forget everything else. This year, I want to approach life with balance. If things get super stressful this year, I want to be able to keep my head on straight and remember what's important. I want to be able to not put all my hopes on one thing and then feel devastated if it doesn't happen. I want to know that while outside events and other's decisions certainly effect us, they are not the sole determinant of our peace. So, no resolutions here, just a thought with a purpose, acknowledged and shared to help remind me if/when things get tough to seek balance.